Occam Technology is your best source of Australian and regional digital well log data. Our archives contain data from Australia, New Zealand, East Timor (Timor-Leste), and Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Data available includes digital well logs and digital text summaries (condensed extracts of well completion reports and other data).
We provide quality assured versions of this data in a user-friendly format, ready for immediate use with no need to incur time and cost penalties preparing data.

Occam Technology offers a number of data services. We can digitise logs from image or print, and provide an extensive range of data reformatting and quality control services using innovative software developed in-house. Please contact us for more information.

Occam Technology is pleased to partner with Greg ONeill to provide high quality petrophysical analysis services.
The petrophysical analysis fully integrates wireline log, mudlog, biostratigraphy, LWD (logging while drilling), core, geological, geophysical, engineering, and other aspects ofwell operations.
These services are independent of Occam Technology.
Occam Technology specialises in the supply of high-quality digital well log data which has been prepared to our exacting standards. We specialise in log data and data summaries for over 12,000 wells from Australia, New Zealand, East Timor (Timor-Leste), and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Our data is from wells associated with oil exploration, gas exploration, deep water drilling, coal seam gas drilling, and other unconventional drilling activities.
We can digitise well logs from image files or prints and offer a number of additional services such as reformatting and petrophysical analysis of our well log data. We also offer on-demand interpretation services - please contact us for more information.
Unlike data from other sources, our data is fully assembled and ready for immediate workstation use and is formatted in LAS. Most data can be dispatched within hours of an order being placed.
Get in touch today to find out what Occam Technology can do to help with Australasian exploration or analysis.