And Wiltshire Geological Services
With nearly fifty years of industry presence, Wiltshire Geological Services and Occam Technology have been trusted for decades by industry and government the world over to provide the highest quality Australasian digital well log data.
Our comprehensive and ever-expanding archive of quality controlled data features regional data from Australia, New Zealand, Timor-Leste, and Papua New Guinea.
We believe this to be the best source of this data anywhere in the world.
We specialise in Australian oil well data, oil and gas exploration data, onshore well data, offshore well data, petroleum exploration data, all kinds of downhole log data, and supporting information such as well completion reports, data summaries, drilling reports, and other data associated with exploration operations.
Unlike data from other sources, our data is fully assembled and ready for immediate workstation use in LAS format. Most data can be dispatched within hours of an order being placed. Our archive comprises data from the following basins:
Amadeus Basin, Arafura Sea, Arrowie Basin, Arckaringa Basin, Bass Basin, Bowen Basin, Canning Basin, Carnarvon Basin, Cooper Basin, Clarence-Moreton Basin, Capricorn Basin, Eromanga Basin, Eucla Basin, Great Australian Bight Region, Gippsland Basin, Georgina Basin, Gulf of Carpentaria Basin, Laura Basin, Murray Basin, McArthur Basin, Otway Basin, Officer Basin, Perth Basin, Surat Basin, Tasmania Basin, Timor Sea region, and many wells from New Zealand, Timor-Leste (East Timor), and Papua New Guinea.
Occam Technology can source hard to find data, digitise from print or image using software designed and built in-house, piece together data from different sources and from incomplete or damaged logs, and supply data electronically or on your choice of media in a timely manner.
Browse our data archive today!